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Mental Health Resources

If you or someone you know is currently experiencing suicidal thoughts, feelings, or behaviors please seek immediate help and/or talk to a trusted adult, friend, or mental health professional. 

Warning signs that someone may be at immediate risk for attempting suicide include:
* Talking about wanting to die or wanting to kill themselves.
* Talking about feeling empty or hopeless or having no reason to live.
* Talking about feeling trapped or feeling like there are no solutions.
* Feeling unbearable emotional or physical pain.
* Talking about being a burden to others.
* Withdrawing from family and friends.
* Giving away important possessions.
* Saying goodbye to friends and family.
* Putting affairs in order, such as making a will.
* Taking  risks that could lead to death, such as driving extremely fast.
* Talking or thinking about death often.

If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance, please call one of the phone numbers found on our website.

Click here. 


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