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Don't delay! Complete and Submit the Household Income Eligibility Form Today.

The free meals are made possible through the District’s ongoing participation in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. 

CEP affords the school the opportunity to provide all students with daily meals at no cost to families, without requiring a Free/Reduced Price Lunch application to be filled out from individual households.  

While application forms are not required on an individual basis, the District strongly encourages all families to fill a Household Income Eligibility form each school year, regardless of their circumstances or needs.
Filling out the form each year helps improve the District’s access to additional benefits and opportunities such as expanded funding for initiatives such as Title I, student application fee waivers for college entrance exams, and other resources for students, staff, and families.

Completing the form takes less than 10 minutes, and it is private and confidential. Only one application per household is needed. 

You can find the form on our website under "Departments" and then "Food Service," or by clicking here

Alternatively, one will be sent home with your child at the beginning of the school year, which you can fill out and return to school.

Any forms obtained online through the link above can be mailed to the District Office at your convenience using the following address:

Saugerties Central School District 
℅ Sheila Melville
Call Box A 
Saugerties, NY 12477

Four Reasons to Complete a Household Income Eligibility Form
1.  Additional funding for technology and home internet access.
2.  Discounts on fees associated with the college application process.
3.  Discounted fees for SAT, ACT, and AP exams along with other scholarship opportunities.
4.  Increased funding to support education.

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