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Booster Club Gives Much Needed Shot in the Arm for Saugerties Modified Sports

Several community members recently banded together to form the Saugerties Athletics Booster Club. It was created to restore modified sports cut from the Saugerties Central School District budget and to ensure equity in sports for all students. 

It all began on June 18 with a generous $25,000 donation from Jessica and Jeffrey Riozzi. Their goal was to raise $85,000 by July 31, with $75,000 for modified sports and $10,000 to establish the Booster Club. Thanks to over 500 individuals, businesses, and organizations, they surpassed their goal, raising $101,000 in just 42 days! Contributions came from all corners, including a Grant D. Morse student who donated proceeds from his can and bottle returns and a Cahill student who handed over $2 with the request, "Please put this towards sports!"

As they move into Phase 2, the Booster Club will focus on supporting the school and area sports by providing equipment, training, uniforms, and improved facilities. Their  mission is to enhance opportunities and open new doors for kids and families in need.

The District is so grateful to everyone who has contributed—it truly takes a village to raise a family.

(Photo: (L-R) Saugerties CSD Superintendent, Dr. Daniel Erceg; Saugerties Athletics Booster Club members Jessica Riozzi and Mandy Norcross)

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