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DASA Complaint

To learn more about the District's DASA Policy, click here.

To submit a DASA complaint for Cahill Elementary School, submit the form below.


Dignity for All Students Act Complaint Form
- Cahill Elementary School -

Please be advised that upon submitting this form, it will be automatically forwarded to the alleged target students' Dignity Act Coordinator(s), listed below.

Dignity Act Coordinators:

  • Laura Cahill, Principal, Cahill -
  • Tammy Carlile, SSW, Cahill -


Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Reporter's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Home Phone, Cell Phone, and Address
Is the Reporter:required
9, 10, 11, or 12
Was Alleged Offender arequiredChoose one
Choose one
If multiple, list all witness/es and their contact information

Incident Description of Discriminatory and/or Harassing Behaviors

Type of bias - based on the person’s actual or perceived:Choose all that apply.
Choose all that apply.
What did the alleged offender(s) say or do? Include cyber evidence if possible.
Is there a history of conflict between those involved?
Have you reported this behavior before?

Please review your form for completion and accuracy, then click SUBMIT below.

Submissions will be addressed during regular school hours. If you submit a DASA complaint after school hours, on the weekend, or on break, it will be addressed the following school day.

If it is an emergency and/or concern for safety please contact the police at 911.